Looking for a smart credit card? We can make your decision much simpler. This Article makes it easier for you to find the best Credit Card which suits your individual needs and circumstances. Be it getting rid of bad credit or selecting a credit card, we have all the answers to your questions.
No longer do you have to setback yourself from purchasing something valuable? Be it, the most stunning designer outfit the glittering diamond necklace, or the latest gizmos. All you have to do is just swipe the card and it’s yours. It looks quite an easy task as portrayed by most of the mediums. But, hold on! There are a few things you ought to know about credit cards before you get yourself into big trouble. And here, we provide you with all the information on how to use your Credit Cards in the best possible way.
Today, credit card has become the most convenient mode of clearing bills. As it is easy to operate and simple to carry. And no doubt, many banks are offering credit cards absolutely free of charge. Also, it is not a surprise to know that even people with low credit ratings have credit cards. But why do banks or credit companies offer? The answer is quite simple! For the hefty interest rates levied on these cards.
Firstly, you have to ask yourself whether you really want a Credit Card. And if yes! Then, why and what for? As it is an easy mode of transaction or wants an installment period to clear the amount or just because your friend has one.
Credit Cards are used for paying the bills without using physical cash. Also, you get a grace period of 20-50 days for paying the amount to the card issuer after using the card. It is known as the interest-free period when no interest is charged if the total balance is paid within the specified time. And remember that even if a small amount of the total balance is overdue, interest would be levied on that amount from the date of purchase until the payment.
Choose the right card for yourself, so that you can avail all the benefits associated with a particular card. Basically, four Types of Credit Cards are available in the market depending upon the luxury i.e., the credit limit and the cost associated with each. They are categorized as regular, silver, gold, and platinum. Each card offers some benefits such as discounts on airfares, retail shopping, cashback offers, and so on. But, always try to opt for the cards which offer you the highest free credit period.
The most important! Try to clear your bills before the due date. And, if you are unable to do so, you can go for the transfer balance facility. In the transfer benefit facility, the balance amount on your bill is transferred to another credit card. Thus, you can save on interest.
Unless it is really necessary, never go for withdrawing the cash against your card. As it can cost you interest up to 35-40 percent per annum. Also, keep yourself updated about the billing cycles to get the maximum free credit days.
Credit Cards relieve the user from the snag of carrying cash and ensure safety. And if used properly, it can save your pockets to a great extent. It is like a passport to “safety, convenience, prestige, and credit”.