Our Email Marketing Strategies

We use a lot o fresh IPs daily and this definitely helps bump up your delivery rate for your email blast with us over 95%. Our email lists are fresh and are updated every month to get rid of email addresses that have become undeliverable.
We offer one of the most accurate trackings for mass email services and it’s in real-time! Our tracking report includes email open count, return visits, unique visits, and so on.
We have a lot of opt-in email lists. Our Opt-in email lists are available in 2 delivery formats. We have email addresses in an excel spreadsheet with all the contact information included.
The 2 formats have different pricing. Our excel email addresses with complete contact details cost a little bit more than our email lists in a text file.

We offer these Services at Innovations Email Marketing

Specific Target Email Blast: Customers can use our specific target email blasts or specific target email marketing to run an email marketing campaign where they choose the exact group of people they want to reach. The exact group of people can be people in a certain location like a city. Or they can people individuals of a certain profession or a certain gender or age group. In any of these cases, you can order the specific target email marketing service and we will deliver your email ad or email message to those targeted groups of people.

Mass Email Blast: With our Mass email blast service, it is still targeted to some extent but the targeting allows just choosing the types of consumer and in what country. This email blast or email adverting option is good for customers who want to run large campaigns. For example running large email campaigns to Job Seekers, Consumers interested in stocks, homeowners, business opportunity consumers, and so on.

Specific Target Email List: Our specific target email lists are email lists that are well targeted to specific locations, specific professions, specific zip codes, and so on. This option allows you to buy a targeted email list and use it for your email marketing projects. You can buy an email list of doctors for example or you can buy an email list of architects or accountants; whichever target of people you want to buy, we most likely have it available.

Mass Email List: Our mass email list option allows you to buy a consumer-type email list and you can use it for your large-size email blast campaigns. With our mass email lists you can choose and buy a homeowner email list across the country or you can buy online shopper email lists across the US. Our Mass Email List product also includes an email list of gambling and casino interest consumers. We also have quality mass email lists like penny stocks consumer email lists and gamer email addresses.

Excel Email List: We have a large database of sorted and categorized excel spreadsheet email lists. Our email list in excel is over 90 million in number. Our excel email lists contain first name, last name, street address, city, state, zip code, phone, time date stamp, and so on. Our excel email list of businesses contains all the above-listed columns as well a company name, title, the specialty of a doctor’s list, business revenue, number of employee columns, and so on. We clean our excel spreadsheet email addresses every month and remove any undeliverables.

Email Creative Ad Design: We design email creative ads for customers here at Innovations. So if you don’t have an email ad ready, you can order our email creative design service and we can put together a professional-looking email ad or email creative for you. We usually have our email creative read in about 2 days after you order it. We have lots of previous ads that we designed that converted well for customers.

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